Saturday 1 April 2017


Book of the Month

If you have a passion for classical music, a love of history and sense of humour, then this is definitely a read for you.

Brilliantly researched and written in a somewhat original format, Stephen Deutsch has hit all the right notes with his novel, Zweck.
We follow the somewhat promiscuous story of musically talented Bernard Robbins, who unintentionally meets his great uncle Hermann Heinrich  Zweck in London in 1972.

Zweck who is almost 100 is quite an eccentric character, he has a lot of  history to relate in a most opinionated but witty and engaging manner.  He tells of his disappointing experiences in the war and his own personal musical history. 
We also learn a lot about the history and quirks of other famous composers who were his contemporary's, although seemingly not much liked by Zweck.
The author Stephen Deutsch is obviously a lover of words with a great sense of humour. Definitely a book to add to your list this year.